Ladies of the Vale Group Meeting

On 2nd March 2015, the Spring Meeting of the Ladies of the Vale Group took place in Stonnall Village Hall. The ladies of both the Lichfield and Stonnall W.I.s worked together to arrange an exciting afternoon, to which we were delighted to welcome our County Chairman, Miss Sheila Moulton.

The entertainment was provided by Miss Lisa Jayne Smith. She assumed the role of Marie Lloyd as she took us through the history of Music Hall from its early beginnings to its influence on present day theatre. She regaled us with stories and songs and invited us to join in with the more well known songs as she reached the end of each decade.

Our members really entered into the spirit of things and came wearing clothing appropriate to era; large hats with feathers and flowers being very much in evidence

The afternoon concluded with a superb W.I. afternoon tea. Altogether it was a fun afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Jackie Morrison


Ladies of the Vale Group


SFWI County Chairman Sheila Moulton with Ladies of the Vale Convenor and Stonnall WI Vice President
Ladies of the Vale
Stonnall Afternoon WI Committee – Hosts to the Ladies of the Vale Group
Stonnall WI Vice President gives the vote of thanks to speaker Lisa Smith

SFWI – County Quiz

This years quiz saw 98 teams taking part from across the county.

The evening was a huge success and congratulations go to everyone who took part in our Quiz. The ‘picnics’ were truly amazing.

Well done to Rolleston-on Dove WI ( Winners) and Berkswich WI (Runners-up) who won the trophies”.

For more pictures – click this link to be taken to our facebook page, or to find out more about our top quiz teams, click on their names to be taken to each WI’s website.

Picture – SFWI Chairman Sheila Moulton with the winning team – Rolleston-on-Dove WI